Agri-change: small businesses big opportunities

Agri-change: small businesses big opportunities

A project in Kenya that aims to increase the economic potential of small producers with innovative, inclusive and sustainable local development initiatives through the creation of micro enterprises in the Molo River basin.


Nakuru County and Baringo County, respectively located in the upper and lower Molo River basin, are two areas chronically affected by climate and environmental crises, due to land degradation and intensive exploitation of forest resources. The lower basin area, in particular, belongs to the arid and semi-arid belt of Kenya and is particularly vulnerable to climate phenomena that cause the reduction of rainfall regime and river flow, with unpredictable peaks and frequent floods. These are areas mainly dedicated to agriculture, which however is unable to meet all the needs of the population in terms of income generation, and are characterized by the insecurity of livestock raids, linked to the traditional form of free-range breeding.


The Agri-change: small businesses big opportunities project aims to increase the economic potential of small producers with innovative, inclusive and sustainable local development initiatives through the creation of micro businesses, with a particular focus on promoting female entrepreneurship. The goal is to promote eco-sustainable, circular, replicable and low-cost activities within the honey and pork supply chains, which more than others can integrate and support agricultural activities without competing with them. The project is in collaboration with the local partner Network for Eco-faming in Africa (NECOFA) and benefits from the contribution of another local partner KOAN (Kenya Organic Agriculture Network) for the study activity on the agro-ecological benefits of the intervention.


1. Development of the pork supply chain

A pig breeding center is planned in Marigat, Baringo County, which will provide 25 fattening groups, consisting of at least 50% women and young people. The groups will also benefit from a plant for the production of biogas from animal waste, which will guarantee savings on the consumption of wood and charcoal for cooking food and will allow women to free themselves from the activity of wood collection. The project will promote a mandatory quality protocol on the treatment and welfare of animals, created with the contribution of experts from the University of Turin and the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore – Piacenza branch.

2. Development of the honey supply chain

Two new honey production and processing centers and two groups for their management will be created, to which several producers will refer. The groups will receive 1,000 improved hives and 10,000 seedlings of local tree species with high melliferous potential. The managers of the new businesses will receive training and a quality protocol will be established.

3. Starting a business for the production of high-yield, low-environmental-impact animal feed

A local business will be set up by 10 young people to produce feed using Black Soldier Flies larvae as a protein base (of which about 50% is protein). The business, which will have the technical support of experts from the University of Turin and the SIVAM Company, a project partner, will deal with both the breeding of the larvae and their transformation into flour.

4. Creation of 5 pilot micro mushroom-growing enterprises

The activity involves the creation of 5 pilot centers that will be managed by 50 women in risky and fragile situations. The women involved will follow a training course for the entrepreneurial development of their business.

5. Production of improved traditional hives

In the honey chain, the development of a small artisan enterprise capable of building and selling improved hives in the Baringo area, as it has the greatest market potential, will be supported. The enterprise will be managed by 10 unemployed young people, who will receive training and the tools needed to start the business.

6. Ideas competition for the financing of 25 innovative entrepreneurial activities

The activity involves the development of 25 individual micro enterprises with the aim of creating a solid distribution network for meat produced in pig breeding and honey production centers. The enterprises will participate in an incubation activity and will receive a start-up fund.

7. Study on agroecological benefits for a county policy

The results and strategy of the project will be used to create a capitalization document, which enhances the potential of the two supply chains in the reference counties with the aim of contributing, with the results achieved, to the future agricultural planning of the two areas.