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“It is the little things that citizens do that will make the difference. My little thing is planting trees” By Prof. Wangari Maathai.

Necofa Kenya in conjunction with People in Peril Association, Slow food central rift convivium, Slow food International, WRUA, MEAP and YGEP organized a tree planting day/ceremony in honor of the late Professor Wangari Maathai at Tabaini primary school. The participants included the members of staff and students from two primary schools and one secondary school from Kamara location in Molo district.

This event was graced by Necofa Kenya country coordinator Mr. Samuel Muhunyu and Slow Food International vice president John Kariuki. Mr. Samuel Muhunyu emphasized on the importance of environmental conservation as way of mitigating the effects of climate change in Kenya and globally.
He recognized the role of the Professor Maathai in environmental conservation and her desire to collaborate with the rural folks in uplifting their livelihoods,let us all reflect on her work and the best gift we can give our departed heroine is to emulate her and carry on the torch of hope and to continue to protect biodiversity with more vigour, zeal and determination. Yes, her successes should inspire all of us to carry on her dreams for the earth. Long live the dream she put in all of us.

He also emphasized to the school going youths on the importance of hard work and discipline since investing in the youths is investing in sustainability and posterity. A total of 1000 trees were planted during this occasion.

John Kariuki,Slow Food International Vice President.
Jogoo Secondary School.
Cheptoo from Tabain Primary School says a word of prayer for Departed Heroine, Prof. Maathai
Mr. Muhunyu and Mr. Chege from Necofa.

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