You are currently viewing NJAA MARUFUKU PROJECT LAUNCH DATE:9TH November, 2012


Network for Eco farming in Africa(NECOFA) in partnership with Ministry of Agriculture Molo District, Ministry of Education, Kenya Forestry Service are collaborating in a project dubbed “Promoting Students Participation in Agro-Forestry Practices For Environmental Conservation”

Project targets areas are in Molo,Sachang’wan,Turi and Elburgon divisions of Molo District. The target beneficiaries are;

        >School youths


        >Vulnerable households

    The goal of the project is to contribute to the restoration of the Mau forest ecosystem.

This aims at giving youths a chance to participate in the restoration of the ever decreasing forest cover in the society.

The launch was held at Michinda boarding primary school and was attended by officials from the Ministry of Agriculture, five community groups, six schools i.e. Michinda,Mukinyai,Chandera,Tumaini,Nyakiambi and Mariashoni secondary schools.

The venue provided a perfect case study for the schools and communities who will be implementing the NMK project, the participants had a chance to visit the school garden which was established by the 4K club in collaboration with Necofa-Kenya and Slow Food Central Rift Convivium, learn about various gardening techniques, crop diversity and nursery management.

 The students interacted and shared ideas on environmental conservation, a perfect example was from Chandera Secondary School whose members of the environmental club are in the process of establishing a cottage industry which will train people on ways to recycle waste papers by making manila papers, necklaces and other ornaments which will be sold and the money will help fund club activities and create a gainful activity for the jobless majority.

Michinda Secondary school has already set the ball rolling by organizing a tree planting day before breaking for the holidays and they have set a 200 seedlings mark for planting.

The event was attended by a total of 115 participants.

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