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Climate change is the ultimate test for our collective intelligence as humanity. The diversity of cultures and of knowledge systems required for adapting to climate change need recognition and enhancing through public policy and investment. A new partnership between science and traditional knowledge will strengthen both knowledge systems and enhance our capacity to respond.

Biodiversity is the basis of food security. Biodiversity is also the basis for ecological and organic farming because it provides alternatives to chemical inputs. It also increases resilience to climate change by returning more carbon to the soil, improving the soil’s ability to withstand drought, floods and erosion. Biodiversity is the only natural insurance for society’s future adaptation and evolution. Increasing genetic and cultural diversity in food systems, and maintaining this biodiversity in the commons are vital adaptation strategies responding to challenges of climate change.

Together with People in Peril Association, Necofa is working with Koibatek community in conservation of Koibatek ecosystem which is part of Mau Ecosystem. The conservation efforts include:  Capacity building on climate change adaptation in Agriculture and natural resource management, support of communities with tree seedlings to establish wood lots, energy saving stoves, establishment of environmental clubs and arboretums in schools, tree planting in the forest.

Together with Manitese, Necofa is working with Indigenous  Ogiek community from Marioshoni forest in biodiversity conservation. The project involves beekeeping activities, capacity building on importance of biodiversity conservation, mapping of traditional foods and ecotourism. Rehabilitation of Eldume irrigation scheme is also ongoing and capacity building on production and marketing of horticultural crops is one major activity.

Together with Friends of Kenya School and Wildlife, Necofa is working with different communities and schools in support of education and health, main schools are in Arid Baringo County, Kajiado and Isiolo. The scholarships offered ensure bright students do not miss out, as they prepare for a brighter future.

Health of a community is important, and together with FKSW, Necofa has ensured yearly medical camps and monthly monitoring of community health, especially malaria cases at Kokwa Island in Baringo.

Together with Slow Food International, Necofa is implementing projects involving small scale farmers, establishing community and school gardens that will ensure diversified and quality food availability for communities in rural and urban areas

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